
The Robe of Christ

The Sons of God and The Children of Disobedience

The Veil of Moses

The Keys of Hell and of Death

Is the Abaddon of Revelation the Angel of Death in Exodus?

Ethiopia and The Bible

The Melchizedek Priesthood and The Ancient of Days

Nebuchadnezzar: The Man Who Became a Beast

The Burning Bush & The Temple Menorah

Burnt Offerings and Sacrifices

Identifying the Magi

Enoch: The Hidden One

The Ethiopian Book of Life

The Faith of Rastafari

Mystical Iran: The Spirit of an Empire

The Sanhedrin, The Pharisees, and the Community of Qumran

The Resurrection of the Old Testament Saints

The First Resurrection & The Second Death

Ancient Christianity in Ancient Georgia

Moses and Christ: A Comparison

The Curse of a Prophet

The Giants: Mighty Men of Renown!

The Spirit of Christ at work in The Prophets

The Holy of Holies and The New Jerusalem

The Name of God

On The Perpetual Virginity Of Mary

The Prophets Lament

Enoch’s Life: As Told From The Book of Jasher

Where on Earth is the Garden of Eden?

Constantine: Pagan or Christian?

Ancient Canaanite Religion and Civilization

The Assassins

The Epic of Gilgamesh

The Prophet Enoch in the Book of Jubilees

The Ethiopian Wife Of Moses

Pharaoh Akhenaten

The Prophet Daniel & The Three Holy Children

Ezekiel: Prophet of the Exile

On the Person of Christ: An Excerpt from Eusebius

O Muslim, Did Jesus Indeed Say, “I Am God Worship Me”?

The Ashkenazi Jews & The Khazarian Empire

Was the Persian Overthrow of Babylon an Inside Job?

On The Two Enochs In The Bible

The Brazen Serpent: Nehushtan

The Vow of the Nazarite and Jesus the Nazarene

The Seven Spirits of God

Jesus Christ & Jacob's Ladder

Jannes & Jambres: The Egyptian Magicians

The Sons of God and The Daughters of Men

The Gadarene Demoniac

Is Mecca Mentioned in The Bible?

“The Bible Speech” by His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I Emperor of Ethiopia

St. John the Revelator

The Vision of Ezekiel & The Four Living Creatures of Revelation

Identifying Gog and Magog

The Temple of Solomon & The Garden of Eden