A Journal of Comparative Historical Research

The Leap of Faith

“Only in the leap from the lion’s head will he prove his worth.”

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

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The Celestrial Architecture of Ancient Egypt

The ancient Egyptians built an architecture based on astronomy. For the three pyramids at Giza line up with the constellation of Orion's Belt.

Is the Ark of the Covenant in Ethiopia or Jerusalem?

Did prophet Jeremiah hide the ark in a cave shortly before the Babylonians destroyed the temple, or did the son of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba take it back with him to Ethiopia after his visit to Jerusalem?

Take a Leap of Faith!

If you are skeptical as to the miraculous claims found within the pages of the Holy Bible and are not sure whether to believe in God or not, then I urge you to take a leap of faith! For the purpose of this site is to help both believer and atheist alike to better understand the depth of Biblical history, as well as comparing scripture to the ancient records which fall outside of the Biblical narrative.

A Word on Ancient History and Biblical Studies

When studying the Bible, and while also researching other historical records, it is truly amazing when we discover parallels between these two accounts. It is indeed thrilling when we witness academic history supporting events recorded in the Bible. However, in order to trust that the Bible is a good source of historical fact, one must take a leap of faith!